Rosi Orozco, activist and social federal deputy, who has worked on behalf of victims of family violence, sexual and labor, was named one of the 150 women without fear. She also worked with NGOs and victims in Mexico City.
Orozco chose politics as his weapon of choice in 2009. She is also the president of the Special Committee against Trafficking in Human Beings and has worked continuously to combat this terrible situation, encouraging other politicians to do something about it.

Nowadays, millions of children are cruelly brought to America, where they are cruelly abused, both sexually and psychologically, and many people do not even care or simply do not know about it. Just in 2000, there were 20 000 child victims of trafficking. This practice violates the rights of every person to freedom, and caused great damage in the lives of many children who are just beginning to know the world; children should be learning in school, playing with other children, living with their families. Instead of this, they not only receive a terrible impact on their lives but, in the future, we will see the consequences of such a serious crime.
Fortunately, there are women like Rosi Orozco who is constantly striving to eradicate this situation. She and many other women that do not even have to appear in the magazine, are an heroic example for their country and even for the world.
Currently, the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico discusses the General Law on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Trafficking in Persons and Related Offenses, which will punish the entire chain involved in this crime. If this law is approved, there will be assistance and protection for victims and witnesses of crimes of trafficking. And even though this deputy has been harassed by several newspapers, because of its fight against television ads that lead to the exploitation of children, never stopped fighting.
When people have clear objectives in their life, they cannot be stopped by anybody and, when their goals are the way or the bridge to help other people, the effort, fatigue and the constant struggle give good results.


Milenio. 2012/03/04. Esperan aprobación de ley contra la trata.